This post assumes that you have setup your Raspberry Pi and your audio interface. If not check out the tutorial post: here

App Backend

The installation process right now is still very manual, and involves a handful of steps which can be copy pasted.

Install VLC which is used a player to play the audio streams.

sudo apt install vlc

Install the required tools: Python, virtualenv and git with apt-get.

sudo apt install python3 python3-dev virtualenv git

Get the source:

sudo git clone /usr/local/src/radiopi
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/src/radiopi

Create the environment and install the dependency.

virtualenv --python=python3 /usr/local/src/radiopi/env
source /usr/local/src/radiopi/env/bin/activate
pip install /usr/local/src/radiopi/
pip install uvicorn

Copy the systemd service to /lib/systemd/system/ reload it and enable it to run on startup.

sudo cp /usr/local/src/radiopi/radiopi.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable radiopi
sudo systemctl start radiopi